Assam Gas Company Limited is primarily engaged in gas transportation and distribution business to various customers. The sources of gas are mainly from Oil India Limited and ONGC Ltd. Natural gas is collected, processed and transported to the customers of AGCL broadly classified into three categories viz., Industrial, Commercial & Domestic. Industrial consumers are – Brahamaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited, Namrup , Assam Petrochemicals Ltd., Namrup, Namrup Thermal Power Station of Assam State Electricity Board, Lakwa Thermal Power Station of Assam State Electricity Board & Assam Gas based Power plant of NEEPCO at Kathalguri for generation of power. Commercial consumers include hotels and restaurants etc . Nearly 20 thousands households are provided with gas connection as Domestic customers of AGCL. Apart from these about 390 Tea Factories uses piped natural gas spread out in 10 Districts of upper Assam.
The Company gives utmost importance in supplying piped gas as per required pressure and quantity to its customers. It is made possible by creating strategically well laid out pipeline and other infrastructure network. The company has 1000 Km (approx) of steel pipelines, 30,000 kms of PE pipelines , a compressor Station at Duliajan with a capacity to transport 7 MMSCM gas per day.